Sunday, December 11, 2011

Did anyone really like Twilight?

I actually just saw it an hour ago, but I already know how i feel.

I really love the actual series of books by Stephanie Meyer, but I just saw the movie, and I think it was awful. The only reason i don't hate it is because it was so HILARIOUS! The acting was HORRIBLE! Why are Angela and Eric suddenly Japanese? What was with the randomly going off into the woods before school started? What is up with jacob? What about the spring dance? It wasn't PROM mike and eric asked her to, it was the girls-ask-boys spring dance!!! What happened to when edward and bella were sitting together at lunch? it's like BAM ';we shouldnt be friends,'; BAM Edward saves her from a gang or rapists, and BAM theyre making out in her bedroom! WTF?!?! What about Jacob? WHY WAS CARLISLE SO CREEPY?!?! The only GOOD thing about this movie, was Robert Pattinson as Edward. I thought he did really well. I thought the movie was a disapointment, but if you haven't read the book, you really should!

I probably will see the sequel, just to see if it's as bad as the first. Probobly worse, considering Edward, or lack thereof.

Important scenes that were missing:

-';Do I dazzle you?'; at the restaurant

-Carlisle's story

-Blood typing

-Bella's letter to Edward

-Bella and Edward sitting together at lunch

-Tyler asking Bella to the dance

-Edward driving like a maniac

-I also thought the whole car-accident thing was a little lacking.Did anyone really like Twilight?
OMFG I know! It skips EVERY FREAKING PART that's important, and adds in all these things that never happened. I had to watch it for a field trip at school and like it was horrible. I have to admit it was really funny, but it's like, they made it into a comedy more than romance, ya know? it wasn't nearly as romantic as in the book and Jasper looks constipated the whole time. xD I guess the books will always be better than the movies, but why did they change it SO MUCH? Idk but I'm really disappointed. They failed completely.

Plus, the whole, ';Do I dazzle you?'; That part was like so awesome in the book, and they changed it. I don't even want to see the other ones.Did anyone really like Twilight?
I agree with you. Me and my friend were cracking up and saying how we were gonna make a movie and ours would be better. And what was up with them climbing trees? And since when could Billy drive he is handicapped. And also that random guy who played santa when bella was little who died. Wtf was up with that?

Edit: And why was Laurent black? I'm not racist or anything but in the book it says he has pale skin and then there is some black guy playing him?
i honnestly loved it,

and i did miss the missing scenes but the movie would have been way too long.
wow i really loved the movie and i knew there were some things missing but now that you pointed it out im really realising all the missing things, yeah i also realised that they didnt do the part where edward purposely held up bella so that tyler could ask her to the dance and humiliate her, and i cant believe they left out ';Do I dazzle you?'; !!! and i completely forgot about edward and bella sititng otgether at lunch, and yeah i really thought that there should have been a lot more edward and bella scnens, liek even how in the book he went to er class and waited for her outside and all that. and when he went and watched her in gym class because she was always complainign about it
you also forgot the whole ditch the airport scene

The whole detail about his childhood

Field trip???

More too.

I watched it 5 hours ago i didnt like how they changed the scene and everything from book, otherwise i loved the movie it kinda flow but not what i expected. I bought another ticket to watch the movie again
They couldn't keep all that stuff in, some of it was insignificant that would just drag the movie on. I agree it was weird with the angela and eric thing. But they can't make it EXACTLY like the book, keep that in mind
I just saw the movie and even if it did lack a whole lot of scenes and they did add some, i guess it was ok! I wasn't excited about it though. If i was a movie reviewer i would rate it a B-
This is a movies for the ';Fan Girls';. It got a rating of 5.3 om IMDB. This is no Oscar worthy flick. lol. Just watch, time will tell.
idk. i went into the movie thinking it would be really really horrible, cause i never thought it looked great in the first place, it'd never compare to the books, but i was surprised to find it wasn't as bad as i had imagined.

i missed all of the important scenes, they were my favorite sections of the book!! gahh.

i hated the actors/actresses. i thought edward was bad actually, he just wasn't as perfect as they made him seem in the book, and nobody's perfect etc, but hello it's a movie, make him perfect!! lol.

and i agree about the laurent thing, vampires are supposed to be extremely

hope this helped.


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