I was bored so i came up with a survey for my two favorite book series:
1)Who's character do you like most Harry or Bella?
2)Who would win a duel If it were wizards vs. vampires?(with Dumbledore on the team)
3)Which would you rather be Vampire,Wizard,or werewolf?
4)Who's character is braver Edward or Harry?Who's a better person?
5)Edward%26amp;Bella,Ron%26amp;Hermione or Ginny%26amp;Harry?
6)If you were a vampire what would your gift be?(ex.mind reading)?
7)Team Jacob:) or Team Edward?
8)What house would you be sorted into at Hogwarts?
9)Who's friendship is stronger Harry/Ron/Hermione or Jacob %26amp;Bellas?
10)What makes Jacob Black so hot?
11)Edward Cullen?
12)Do you like Bella?
12)How are these two books diffrent?
13)Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattinson?
14)Jacob Black or Harry Potter?
15)Stephanie Meyer or JK Rowling?
16)who is your favorite male character?
17)Favorite female character?
18)Ron Weasly or Jacob Black?
19)Bella Swan or Hermione Granger?
20)Deathly Hallows or Breaking Dawn?
21)If you could change anything from each book what would it be?
22)If you could spend a whole entire day with only one character of the two books.who would it be?
23)Who's world would you love to be apart of Harry's or Bella's?
24)Which houses do you think the Cullens would be sorted into at Hogwarts?Bella?
25)Emma Watson or Kristen Stewert?Bella or Hermione?
26)Jacob or Harry?Ron or Jake?
Can't think of anymore.I'll update if i think of anymore.
Harry Potter (Bella is so whiny)
Definetely wizards!
A wizard (vampires are so creepy)
Harry Potter- he was there for his friends all the time.
Ron%26amp;Hermione- i love how their romance developed over the series
mind reading!
Harry/Hermione/Ron (7th book)
his loyalty
harry potter has more than romance
daniel radcliffe
J.K Rowling
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Deathly Hallows
Edward wasn't so perfect
Alice and Hermione
Definetely Harry's! its would so exciting
Cullen- Slytherin . Bella- Hufflepuff
Emma Watson and Hermione
Harry and Ron
You probably figured out by now, I'm a BIG fan of Harry PotterTWILIGHT %26amp; HARRY POTTER survey?
1) harry
4) harrys braver, edwards better person
5)edward and bella
6) i prob wouldnt have one :(... but id be pretty!
7)team edwardd !
8) ravenclaw or hufflepuff
9) harry and ron and Hermionie
10) well in the books he tough... movie hes not so hot
12)in the book yes, in the movie hate her shes too serious and annoying
14)harry potterr
15)jk rowling
16)edward ... hes so easy to fall inlove with
17)hmm thats rly hard..
18)ron! i love him hes so funny
19)thats the tough one!
20)deathly hallows... hp is jsut better writing
21) twilight, that she didnt stop writing midnight sun. harry potter is perfect.
22) edward... because i have fallen inlove with the character i have pictured in my head.
23) harry's ... i wanna go to hogwarts.. but i never got my letter :(
24) bella would be in like hufflepuff.. shes nothing special.
cullens would be in ravenclaw cuz they just know soo much from all their years of schoolin
25) emma watson.. i hate kristen stewert, shes a baaad actress.
26) harry, ron
1)Who's character do you like most Harry or Bella?
Bella, because i am a girl, and i'd love to meet edward obviously lol.
2)Who would win a duel If it were wizards vs. vampires?(with Dumbledore on the team)
wizards probably....there are soo many curses that could kill the vampires without getting close, even though some lucky vampires possess mind powers, any wizards can do curses from a distance.
3)Which would you rather be Vampire,Wizard,or werewolf?
wizard, there's so much stuff you can do! Unless i got to marry edward...i'd be a vampire then lol.
4)Who's character is braver Edward or Harry?Who's a better person?
Edward...he's so self-sacrificing.
5)Edward%26amp;Bella,Ron%26amp;Hermione or Ginny%26amp;Harry?
Edward and Bella are amazing.
6)If you were a vampire what would your gift be?(ex.mind reading)?
Yeah probably mind reading
7)Team Jacob:) or Team Edward?
Team Edward.
8)What house would you be sorted into at Hogwarts?
9)Who's friendship is stronger Harry/Ron/Hermione or Jacob %26amp;Bellas?
Jacob and Bella's.
10)What makes Jacob Black so hot?
Tanned, six pack, lovely personality, tall, werewolf, literally hot (temp wise).
11)Edward Cullen?
Mysterious....romantic....super-beauty鈥?powers...everything lol
12)Do you like Bella?
Yeah, although i get jealous alot.
12)How are these two books diffrent?
One is more fantasy, one is more about the romance.
13)Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattinson?
14)Jacob Black or Harry Potter?
jacob black
15)Stephenie Meyer or JK Rowling?
Stephenie Meyer
16)who is your favorite male character?
17)Favorite female character?
18)Ron Weasly or Jacob Black?
Jacob black
19)Bella Swan or Hermione Granger?
Bella Swan
20)Deathly Hallows or Breaking Dawn?
Breaking Dawn
21)If you could change anything from each book what would it be?
Deathly Hallows....*spoiler*....lupin, tonks, and fred would NOT die, and in Breaking Dawn....there would be a section in Edward's perspective.
22)If you could spend a whole entire day with only one character of the two books.who would it be?
Edward Cullen 100%
23)Who's world would you love to be apart of Harry's or Bella's?
24)Which houses do you think the Cullens would be sorted into at Hogwarts?Bella?
All in Gryffindor.
25)Emma Watson or Kristen Stewert?Bella or Hermione?
Emma Watson
26)Jacob or Harry?Ron or Jake?
1) Bella
2) I'd probably say the wizards
3) Vamp, baby!
4) I think Edward is braver, and again, Edward is a better person
5) Edward%26amp;Bella
6) Gotta go with mind reading!
7) Eddie.
8) Slytherin, haha
9) Tough one, but Ron, Harry, %26amp; Hermionie
10) Umm, nothing? His hot skin, haha
11)Super nice.
12) Heck yeah! I wish I could be exactly like her!!
13) Robby
14) Harry
15) My home girl Stephy
16) EMMETT!!!
17) Alice all the way babyy!
18) Ron
19) Hermione acts like a jerk sometimes, so Bella
20) Breaking Dawn! Vamps!
21) Hard to say...
22)I'd have to say...Alice
23) Bella's
24) Umm, idk what each house means (I used to, but I forget)
25) Emma Watson. Bella Swan.
26) Harry %26amp; Ron
1)Who's character do you like most Harry or Bella?
That is a wierd combination. I guess, Harry.
2)Who would win a duel If it were wizards vs. vampires?(with Dumbledore on the team)
Vampires. They are fast and they could be tearing them apart before they even knew they were coming. Esp. with Edward's mind reading.
3)Which would you rather be Vampire,Wizard,or werewolf?
Vampire. For the reason that they would win a duel. You would need a lot of protection if they were all real.
4)Who's character is braver Edward or Harry?Who's a better person?
Harry is braver, he puts himself out there and he isn't as strong as a Vampire. Edward is a better person because he stays by his family's side at all times.
5)Edward%26amp;Bella,Ron%26amp;Hermione or Ginny%26amp;Harry?
Edward and Bella, they are so in love.
6)If you were a vampire what would your gift be?(ex.mind reading)?
I would want mind reading, for sure.
7)Team Jacob:) or Team Edward?
Team Edward. but i also think it is cute that Jacob loves Renesmee.
8)What house would you be sorted into at Hogwarts?
Definitely Gryffindor.
9)Who's friendship is stronger Harry/Ron/Hermione or Jacob %26amp;Bellas?
Hermione and Ron are always beside Harry.
10)What makes Jacob Black so hot?
Taylor Lautner plays him =0)
11)Edward Cullen?
is an amazing character from the mind of Stephenie Meyer.
12)Do you like Bella?
Yes, I do. She is hopelessly in love %26lt;3
12)How are these two books diffrent?
Wizards and Vampires.
13)Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattinson?
Those brittish boys%26lt;3 Can't choose.
14)Jacob Black or Harry Potter?
Harry Potter.
15)Stephanie Meyer or JK Rowling?
StephEnie Meyer-Amazing imagination.
16)who is your favorite male character?
Edward Cullen
17)Favorite female character?
Luna Lovegood =0)
18)Ron Weasly or Jacob Black?
Jacob Black.
19)Bella Swan or Hermione Granger?
Bella Swan.
20)Deathly Hallows or Breaking Dawn?
Oh no. Deathly Hallows I guess.
21)If you could change anything from each book what would it be?
Nothing, they aren't my ideas to change.
22)If you could spend a whole entire day with only one character of the two books.who would it be?
Edward Cullen.
23)Who's world would you love to be apart of Harry's or Bella's?
24)Which houses do you think the Cullens would be sorted into at Hogwarts?Bella?
Cullens-Gryffindor. As is bella.
25)Emma Watson or Kristen Stewert?Bella or Hermione?
Kristen Stewart. Bella.
26)Jacob or Harry?Ron or Jake?
Harry. Jacob.
1) Harry. Bella's annoying.
2) Wizardsssss.
3) Vampire. It would be nice to be inhumanly beautiful.
4) Harry. Edward's too controlling and kind of stalks Bella in the first book.
5) Harry %26amp; Ginny%26lt;3
6) No idea
7) JACOBBBB%26lt;3
8) Gryffindor, I hope
9) Harry/Ron/Hermione. Jacob %26amp; Bella's is kind of fake, if you ask me.
10) He's Indian. Or shall we say ';Native American';.
11) Gorgeous in the movie. Kind of creepy and stalkerish in the books.
12) Harry Potter PWNNSSSSS
13) Robert Pattinson. For now, anyway. Once the sixth HP movie, comes out, it will probably be back to good old Daniel.
14) Harry!!!!
15) I really admire them both. I think they're amazing women, and great role models:)
16) Dumbledore!
17) mmm. Tonks probably.
18) Ron!!!
19) Hemione alllllll the way.
20) Deathly Hallows
21) DH-no Fred, Lupin, or Tonks deaths
BD-no Renesmee
22) Hmmm. Probably Dumbledore.
23) Hogwarts!!!
24) Cullens--depends on the person.
25) Hermione!!! I admire them both, though.
26) Harry, Ron
1. Harry. (but i dont really like him. VOLDY!!!!)
2. Wizards
3. Wizard. (you could still become a vampire are a werewolf but have the added advantage of magic)
4.Harry. Harry.
5. um ginny harry? ((im more for edward and Albus) (as Cullen and Dumbledoor)
6. um killing all the other vampires and then um taking over the world with a intulectual llama.
7. Jacob
8.Ive been sorted into slytherin more but ravenclaw close behind. never gryfindoor or hufflepuff
9. harry/ron/hermione
10. nothing hes just better than edward
11. absolutly nothing. one of the most disgusting looking people i have ever seen except bella and johnny depp
12. no she has no chracter
14.harry potter
15.jk rowling (meyer's writing was absolutly horrible)
17. um merope riddle (voldemorts mom)
18. ron weasly
19. granger
21. Voldemort wins, bella and edward die horribly painful death ending the whole seires
23. harry
24. edward would be hufflepuff becuase he already was one, till a slytherin kicked his ***, the others who nows, probably hufflepuff, and bella would go to some stupid school like the one with fluer
25.watson is like 10000 times as pretty as stewert. hermione
26. harry. ron
1. HARRY Bella can be a bit annoying in the book
2.Vampires because Edward would know what Dumbledore was thinking and react against it:)
3. Vampiree%26lt;3
4. Edward is a braver because he needs to walk around people all day and resist from sucking their blood! And Edwards a better person because he doesn't get influenced by Voldermort
6. I would like mind reading alot alot!
8. Ravenclaw
9. Jacob and Bellas
10. Well he has like an extra chromosome or something, BUT if your talking about his actually appearance then probably his body built and skin
11. Edward is not hot he is EXTREMELY EXTREMELY sexy, at least in my head. Its his hair and freaking crooked smile(drools)
12. ones an intense love story and the other isn't
13. Robert bleeping Pattinson.
14. I'd go with Jacob....Harry seems like a dork :/
15. I'm More of a Twilight fan btu i'd say J.K. Rowling because of the complex story she made up that's really cool
16. Edward or Jasper (twilight)
18. Jacob Black
19. Bella Swan
20. Breaking Dawnn
21. that in twilight you'd get to hear a little about Bella's first time...and in harry potter that harry doesn't marry ginny
22. ....of course my edward...
23. Harry's
24. bella hufflepuff beuase shes a mess and the Cullen's in ravenclaw beucse i Just dont know the difference...
25. Emma Watson, Bella
26. jacob, jake?
1) I like harry better because at least he can defend himself unlike bella lol I'm not saying shes bad but shes a little weak LOL
2)Vampires I think because magic couldn't kill them I mean unless it was fire and they could always just bite dumbledore wait 3 days and have him on their side
3) vampire-you can live forever
4)I think they are both brave in different ways edward is brave because he knows that he has to do whats best for bella even if it means being away from her and harry has to defeat voldemort no matter the consequences. I like edward because he IS the PERFECT MAN!
5)Edward %26amp; Bella- There romance has been given a lot of detail and thought and they have what you would call the perfect relationship
6) I would want to be able to read minds it would make test taking alot easier
7)Team Edward after reading all the books he's just so cool
8)Probably Gryfindor or Ravvenclaw
9)harry ron hermoines
10)Well I dont really think hes that hot but I guess i would have to say his charm
11) EVERYTHING about edward makes him HOT!
12)yeah she's ok
12) One has more romance than the other
13)Rob Pattinson
14)Jacob BLack
16)if i already haven't made it clear..EDWARD CULLEN!
17)Alice cullen
18)Jacob Black
19)Tie.. I like both of them in different ways
20)TIe again i'm sorry their both so different i cant choose
21) nothing I liked both of them although I would put more action in Breaking dawn
22)Edward cullen. Maybe I could convince him to bite me and then we could spend forever together!!lol
23)Well if i would get turned into a vampire bella's but not then harry's
24)BOth of them Gryfindor
25)Emma watson I really thought kirsten stewart played bella a little passively
26)Harry c'mon saving the worlds gotta count for something, Jake
1)Who's character do you like most Harry or Bella? Harry
2)Who would win a duel If it were wizards vs. vampires?(with Dumbledore on the team) Wizards
3)Which would you rather be Vampire,Wizard,or werewolf? Wizard
4)Who's character is braver Edward or Harry?Who's a better person? Harry,Harry
5)Edward%26amp;Bella,Ron%26amp;Hermione or Ginny%26amp;Harry? Ginny%26amp;Harry
6)If you were a vampire what would your gift be?(ex.mind reading)? Time Freezing
7)Team Jacob:) or Team Edward? Neither
8)What house would you be sorted into at Hogwarts? Gryffindor
9)Who's friendship is stronger Harry/Ron/Hermione or Jacob %26amp;Bellas? Harry/Ron/Hermione
10)What makes Jacob Black so hot? Nothing.
11)Edward Cullen? No
12)Do you like Bella? No
12)How are these two books different? One is good and One isn't good. By the way you spelled different wrong there.
13)Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattinson? Neither
14)Jacob Black or Harry Potter? Harry Potter
15)Stephanie Meyer or JK Rowling? JK Rowling
16)who is your favorite male character? Harry Potter
17)Favorite female character? Hermione
18)Ron Weasly or Jacob Black? Ron Weasly
19)Bella Swan or Hermione Granger? Hermione Granger
20)Deathly Hallows or Breaking Dawn? Not sure.
21)If you could change anything from each book what would it be? Twilight to be more interesting.
22)If you could spend a whole entire day with only one character of the two books.who would it be? Harry Potter
23)Who's world would you love to be apart of Harry's or Bella's? Harry's
24)Which houses do you think the Cullens would be sorted into at Hogwarts?Bella? The cullens - Hufflepuff Bella - Hufflepuff
25)Emma Watson or Kristen Stewert?Bella or Hermione? Hermione
26)Jacob or Harry?Ron or Jake? Harry , Ron
2. Vampires
3.vampire or were wolf
4.edward and EDWARD!
6.mind reading or future seeing :)
7. Both :)
8.Can't remember any of them :)
10.HE JUST IS(L) his smile (in the movie :)
12. Twilight is way better no vampires in harry potter
14.jacob black! DUH
15.Stephenie Meyer
16.Edward or Jacob or James or Laurent or Jasper or charlie :P or Emmet pretty much every guy in that movie
17.Bella Alice or Rosalie
19.Bella Swan
21Harry potter - change into twilight :P Twilight- NOTHING!
22.Edward Alice or Bella
24. Can't member any
25. Kristen Stewat%26amp;Bella
1)Who's character do you like most Harry or Bella? Bella
2)Who would win a duel If it were wizards vs. vampires?(with Dumbledore on the team) vampires
3)Which would you rather be Vampire,Wizard,or werewolf? vampire
4)Who's character is braver Edward or Harry?Who's a better person?Edward. Edward is a better person too.
5)Edward%26amp;Bella,Ron%26amp;Hermione or Ginny%26amp;Harry? Edward And Bella so romantic
6)If you were a vampire what would your gift be?(ex.mind reading)? Walk through thinks
7)Team Jacob:) or Team Edward? TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!
8)What house would you be sorted into at Hogwarts? IDK hate harry potter!
9)Who's friendship is stronger Harry/Ron/Hermione or Jacob %26amp;Bellas? Jacob and Bella friends since they were born!
10)What makes Jacob Black so hot? Nothing! Gross!
11)Edward Cullen? Not that hot but cute.
12)Do you like Bella? Yes. She's cool
12)How are these two books diffrent? Twilight is a good book and Harry Potter sux!
13)Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattinson? Robert Pattinson all the way!
14)Jacob Black or Harry Potter? Jacob Black. Gross i think i just puked! (Cuz of harry potter)
15)Stephanie Meyer or JK Rowling? Stephanie Meyer of course!
16)who is your favorite male character? in Twilight: Emmett In Harry Potter: None all to annoying!
17)Favorite female character? Twilight: Either Alice or Bella Harry Potter: None still too annoying!
18)Ron Weasly or Jacob Black? Eww Ron Weasly! Definatly Jacob Black
19)Bella Swan or Hermione Granger? Bella Swan. Hermione gets on my nerves!
20)Deathly Hallows or Breaking Dawn? Breaking Dawn all the way baby!
21)If you could change anything from each book what would it be? Harry POtter: Change everything cuz it sux Twilight: Nothing its already the best!
22)If you could spend a whole entire day with only one character of the two books.who would it be? Alice so cool and energetic! like me!
23)Who's world would you love to be apart of Harry's or Bella's? Bellas since it has vampires! awesome!
24)Which houses do you think the Cullens would be sorted into at Hogwarts?Bella? None they dont deserve to be at Hogwarts!
25)Emma Watson or Kristen Stewert?Bella or Hermione? Bella! Agian Hermoine gets on my nerves1
26)Jacob or Harry?Ron or Jake? Jacob for both!
3)Vampire :)
4)Edward. Edward.
6)I like Alice's or Edwards...
7)Team Edward
8)Slytherin :)) Or maybe Griffindor (yeah, i know they're opposites)
9)Jacob and Bella's
10)uuughh. everything :))
12)they're really different
13)Robert Pattinson
14)Jacob Black
15)Stephanie Meyer
17)Bella, Renesmee or Alice.
18)Jacob Black
19)Bella Swan
20)Breaking Dawn
21)nothing!! I love them both!
22)Edward :)
24)The Cullens....Griffindor. Bella...Griffindor...or Ravenclaw.
25)Kristen Stewert. Bella
26)Jacob. Jake.
Can you tell which is my favorite?
1) Harry
2) Vampires
3) Vampire
4) Edward
5) Edward%26amp;Bella
6) Mindreading
8) Ravenclaw
9) Harry/Ron/Hermione
10) Nothing... He's a disgusting, hairy werewolf.
11) Edward Cullen is amazing.
12) Somewhat...she's kind of whiny.
12) Vampires, Wizards...duh!
13) Robert Pattinson
14) Harry Potter
15) JK Rowling
16) Edward!
17) Hermione
18) Ron
19) Hermione
20) Deathly Hallows
21) Harry Potter- Sirius's death (I love him!), Twilight- Edward leaving (He should have stayed)
22) Edward
23) Harry's
24) Cullens- Gryffindor, Bella- Gryffindor or Hufflepuff
25) Emma Watson, Hermione
26) Harry, Ron
1. Bella! Shes sweeter and has a better personalty (but I love Harry too kinda)
2. Vampires all the way. Snap their necks in seconds
3. Vampire all the way! WHOO
4. ........tie. Edwards been through so much bravery. Bella almost dying, Victoria and James, getting changed, having a child, etc. Harry has been through SOOO much. Tie you cant just pick one. And Edward is the better person because he treats Bella right. I didnt really like Harry with Ginny like that
6. Premonitions (www.evangiline.webs.com check under Alice's blog, thats me ;)) like Alice. Id love that. Or Edwards mind reading ^^
8. Ravenclaw XD Im just like that with the intelligence
9. Harry/Ron/Heromine actually. Jacob is a biznatch XD
10. He's just hot physically. Otherwise hes a -stream of profanities-
12. Mmm theyre totally different. Duh. Ones about wizards the other vampires and werewolves. And Twilights more of a love story
13. ...........they both....ew....Daniel though he's hotter XD
14. ..............oh Jesus...........Jacob Black -sighs- harry's ok but....ugh XD
16. Edward
17. Bella XD Shes just so awesome ^^
18. .............Jacob XD Im gonna have to say....ugh....Ron's horribly annoying XD
19. Bella CULLEN! XD I love her but Heromine's ok
20. BREAKING DAWN -screams-
21. Jacob falling in love with Bella and Bella falling in love with him back, Harry Potter, Sirius Black dying!!!!!
22. Bella or Edward.......i'd have to say Edward XD I would not hit on him cause he's Bella's but yea Id love to have a convo with him
23. Bella's all the way! Oh my Jesus! XD
24. Bella- Gryffindor
Edward- Gryffindor
Emmett- Hufflepuff
Rosalie- Slytherin
Alice- Gryffindor
Carlisle- Gryffindor
Esme- Hufflepuff
Renesmee- Hufflepuff
26. ........ugh.....Jake for each XD
I LOVED THIS -stars- ^^
1)Who's character do you like most Harry or Bella?Bella
2)Who would win a duel If it were wizards vs. vampires?Emmett
3)Which would you rather be Vampire,Wizard,or werewolf?Vampire
4)Who's character is braver Edward or Harry?Who's a better person?Edward
5)Edward%26amp;Bella,Ron%26amp;Hermione or Ginny%26amp;Harry?Edward%26amp;Bella
6)If you were a vampire what would your gift be?(ex.mind reading)?Mind reading.
7)Team Jacob or Team Edward?Team Edward
8)What house would you be sorted into at Hogwarts?I'd get kicked out before I could
9)Who's friendship is stronger Harry/Ron/Hermione or Jacob %26amp;Bellas?Jacob%26amp;Bella
10)What makes Jacob Black so hot?I don't think he is hot.(But he's a good kisser)
11)Edward Cullen?Yes
12)Do you like Bella?Kinda
12)How are these two books diffrent?One is magic the other is vampire
13)Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattinson?ROBERT PATTINSON
14)Jacob Black or Harry Potter?Jacob Black
15)Stephanie Meyer or JK Rowling?Stephenie Meyer
16)who is your favorite male character?Edward Cullen
17)Favorite female character?Alice Cullen
18)Ron Weasly or Jacob Black?Jacob Black
19)Bella Swan or Hermione Granger?Bella
20)Deathly Hallows or Breaking Dawn?Breaking Dawn
21)If you could change anything from each book what would it be?Edward would be in love with ME
22)If you could spend a whole entire day with only one character of the two books.who would it be?Edward Cullen
23)Who's world would you love to be apart of Harry's or Bella's?Bella
24)Which houses do you think the Cullens would be sorted into at Hogwarts?Bella?I can't remember all the houses but I've read all the books and seen all the movies
25)Emma Watson or Kristen Stewert?Bella or Hermione?Kristen;Bella
26)Jacob or Harry?Ron or Jake?Jacob;Jacob
Alittle obsessed over the mutt are you?
. Bella
. Vampires
. Twilight Werewolf
.Thigs turn out my way
.He runs around half naked
. his eyes
.ones about wizards ones about vamps
Rob (if 3rd choice Taylor Lautner)
breaking dawn
gryffindor, griffindor
kristen, bella
jacob, jacob
I was bored so i came up with a survey for my two favorite book series:
1)Bella for sure :]
4)Edward, and Edward lmao
6) Mind Reading :3
10)ew lmfao
12)no cause i want edward. jk shes cool
15)Stephanie Meyer!!!!!!!!!!!!
18)Jacob Black
19)Bella Swan!!
21)me with edward ;3 and bellas birthday on the 12th instead of 13th cause 12th my bday!
Can't think of anymore.I'll update if i think of anymore.
1)Who's character do you like most Harry or Bella?
2)Who would win a duel If it were wizards vs. vampires?(with Dumbledore on the team)
3)Which would you rather be Vampire,Wizard,or werewolf?
4)Who's character is braver Edward or Harry?Who's a better person?
5)Edward%26amp;Bella,Ron%26amp;Hermione or Ginny%26amp;Harry?
Edward and Bella
6)If you were a vampire what would your gift be?(ex.mind reading)?
Hmmm... I'll put that in when ive decided
7)Team Jacob:) or Team Edward?
Team Edward
8)What house would you be sorted into at Hogwarts?
9)Who's friendship is stronger Harry/Ron/Hermione or Jacob %26amp;Bellas?
Harry and Hermione I think but not really Ron cause he fights with both alot.
10)What makes Jacob Black so hot?
He's not
11)Edward Cullen?
12)Do you like Bella?
I can relate to her alot
12)How are these two books diffrent?
Twilight is a love story whereas Harry Potter is about good and evil
13)Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattinson?
Daniel Radcliffe
14)Jacob Black or Harry Potter?
Harry Potter
15)Stephanie Meyer or JK Rowling?
Stephanie Meyer
16)who is your favorite male character?
17)Favorite female character?
18)Ron Weasly or Jacob Black?
Jacob Black
19)Bella Swan or Hermione Granger?
20)Deathly Hallows or Breaking Dawn?
Hmmm... tough one! I cant decide
21)If you could change anything from each book what would it be?
Good shouldnt always win so much cause completely happy endings are boring (Though in Harry Potter it would have been good without that last bit of 20 years later or watever it was)
22)If you could spend a whole entire day with only one character of the two books.who would it be?
23)Who's world would you love to be apart of Harry's or Bella's?
24)Which houses do you think the Cullens would be sorted into at Hogwarts?Bella?
Edward, Bella, Emmet and Alice- Gryfindore. Rose- Hufflepuff. Jasper, Carlise and Esme- Ravenclaw
25)Emma Watson or Kristen Stewert?Bella or Hermione?
Emma and Hermione
26)Jacob or Harry?Ron or Jake?
Harry. Jake
1)Who's character do you like most Harry or Bella?
Neither, but Harry if I had to pick.
2)Who would win a duel If it were wizards vs. vampires?(with Dumbledore on the team)
WIZARDS, obviously! They could just set them on fire! You can't run away from magical fire that's attacking you constantly!
3)Which would you rather be Vampire,Wizard,or werewolf?
Hm...wizard, then I could be an animagus like Sirius which would be like being a Twilight werewolf, but then I would have magical powers which would be awesome.
4)Who's character is braver Edward or Harry?Who's a better person?
Harry is braver. Harry is a better person.
5)Edward%26amp;Bella,Ron%26amp;Hermione or Ginny%26amp;Harry?
6)If you were a vampire what would your gift be?(ex.mind reading)?
I really have no idea, and I'm never going to find out, so it's fine with me. It would be pretty cool, though, to be like a wizard, only that be your vampire power...even though I'm pretty sure that's impossible.
7)Team Jacob:) or Team Edward?
8)What house would you be sorted into at Hogwarts?
Gryffindor or...Ravenclaw
9)Who's friendship is stronger Harry/Ron/Hermione or Jacob %26amp;Bellas?
10)What makes Jacob Black so hot?
Literally or figuratively? Lol, no, really...the fact that he's not perfect. The way that he's willing to do things that are kinda against the rules...the way he's like Sirius! which makes him so hot because Sirius is like the epitome of hotness
11)Edward Cullen?
Nothing. He's COLD, guys, COLD
12)Do you like Bella?
NO. I'm not even going into why.
12)How are these two books diffrent?
Harry Potter has a plot that is actually thought of ahead (SMeyer didn't even know Jacob was a werewolf till New Moon, in spite of the dream), the characters have real character development, there is an interest that is not in the main characters making out, a way different variety of people like HP, whereas Twilight is kind of all teenage girls.
The only Mary-Sue character in HP is Ginny, but she's still awesome.
13)Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattinson?
Neither. The guy who plays Ron or Draco Malfoy
14)Jacob Black or Harry Potter?
15)Stephanie Meyer or JK Rowling?
JK Rowling!!
16)who is your favorite male character?
Sirius! And Lupin.
17)Favorite female character?
Hm...Leah (Clearwater). And Tonks.
18)Ron Weasly or Jacob Black?
19)Bella Swan or Hermione Granger?
20)Deathly Hallows or Breaking Dawn?
DH all the way
21)If you could change anything from each book what would it be?
I would make Breaking Dawn all from Jacob's perspective.
In DH...I would make Fred not die. And Sirius, becuse that was just stupid.
22)If you could spend a whole entire day with only one character of the two books.who would it be?
Sirius or Lupin (This is the teenaged Sirius and Lupin, remember)
23)Who's world would you love to be apart of Harry's or Bella's?
Harry's! Because in Bella's there aren't even that many people...in Harry's there are so many, and you could just be YOU only with magic powers.
24)Which houses do you think the Cullens would be sorted into at Hogwarts?Bella?
Bella in Hufflepuff, only I think she wouldn't be a witch in the first place...Emmett and Alice in Gryffindor, Carlisle in Hufflepuff (And Esme), Jasper and Rosalie in Sytherin.
25)Emma Watson or Kristen Stewert?Bella or Hermione?
Neither. Hermione. Didn't you already ask this?
26)Jacob or Harry?Ron or Jake?
Jacob. Ron. Didn't you ask this too?
1: Bella
2: Vampires
3: Vampire
4: Edward and Edward
5: Edward and Bella
6: Mind Reading
7: Team Edward
8: Ravenclaw
9: Harry/Ron/Hermoine
10: Nothing because he isn't!
11: Everything!
12: Bella is the 3rd best (behind Edward %26amp; Alice) so yes!
12: Twilight rocks, Harry Potter doesn't
13: Robert Pattinson
14: Harry Potter
15: Stephenie Meyer
16: Edward Cullen!!!
17: Alice Cullen!!!
18:Jacob Black(it's pretty hard for me to find someone worse than Jake)
19: Bella Swan
20: Breaking Dawn
21: I would make Jacob Black die and become a part of Harry Potter
23: Bella's
24: Same as me-don't know!
25: Kristen Stewart and Bella Swan
26: Harry and Jake
I'm not really a fan of Jacob Black or Harry Potter you may have noticed,
Bella Swan!!!!
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