Sunday, December 11, 2011

Twilight Verses The Godfather?

Ok, me and my friend are in a major dispute and we were wondering what you thought. Ok, we know that Twilight and The godfather are two completley movies but we still want to no. So we were just wondering, which one do you like better? Thanks alot:)

Here are our arguments, you seriously dont have to read them, we just wrote them because we were bored lol, anyway, here they are:

Pro Twilight :):

I’m stuck inside watching “The Godfather” with my friend. The only difference between me and her is that she is enjoying the movie, I AM NOT. It’s so weird, in the first 5 minutes two innocent people died and some guy in the 1800’s was eating a fricking hot dog! Then you have this but ugly guy who is just…gross, then you have a loser with a voice that sounds like something died in his throat, stupid idiots who are all meant to be the same age when they all range from ages 20-50, lastly we have these big fat *** Italians who think there hot sh*t (I’m part Italian btw so it’s very insulting). All in all, it’s so not worth the 3 hours. Ok, I’m going to be very honest…I have no clue what’s going on in this movie, first were watching these Muslims walking, then were at this weird play thing were some girl who is supposedly pretty is standing there on stage “acting”, then were at a shop were some Italian dude says “God bless America”, God Bless America? What the hell is this guy’s problem? Seriously whoever wrote this… I feel bad whoever had to explain paragraphing to him, let’s just put it that way. Not only is the writing completely off, some parts in Italian, even better, now there’s annoying yellow writing at the bottom of the bloody screen the whole time, Joy! Now for the Grand finale, it’s called “The Kiss Of Death”. Two brothers getting it on, that, is disgusting, ok people, I’m not even sure that’s legal, my friend thought that the fact that Alice and Jasper from twilight were going out was wrong because they have the same adoptive parents, but apparently its perfectly fine for two RELATED siblings of THE SAME GENDER to PASH in PUBLIC AREA is OKIE DOKIE FINE!!!!! It’s so not Okie dokie fine!!!!!! It’s gross!!! People say they like it because it’s a “classic” how weird is that?! The “pull my finger” joke is a classic but I can bet my right eye that there aren’t to many people out there who love that (except fathers going through a midlife crisis lol). Not only that, as she sits there and calls this excuse for two guys to come out of the closet a “good movie” she is also saying that Twilight is a crap cliché! Ok, ill admit it’s kind of corny in some parts but it’s still awesome. I think that the only reason she doesn’t like it is because it involves vampires and the only reason I think that is because she hated Twilight before she even saw it or read it! (She still hasn’t read it but I’m working on it?). Oh and here’s one for you, she thinks the boys in Twilight are ugly!!! I cant remember exactly what she said but it was something like this “I’m sorry Kassie but Edward is a cliché, Emmett looks like an ape, Jacob looks like an aboriginal (? So….?), Carlisle looks freaky and the stoner look (Jasper, the cutest one) just doesn’t do it for me. Ok, when a straight girl calls Jackson Rathbone and Robert Pattinson ugly, you know something aint quite right. ? . Another one of her “arguments” is that it sucks because it’s a romance! Holy Crapola there are good movies out there that stray from the “Comedy and Gangster” genres. Oh now she’s saying it’s a cheap version of Romeo and Juliet!! W.T.F? Ok, two people fall in love, SO A COPY lol. I don’t know if it’s just me but some how I don’t recall vampire’s fighting or vampire baseball with “Supermassive Black Hole” (awesome song btw) playing in the background! And when she heard the line “you are my life now” she like coughed and gagged, now does anyone else find that slightly immature? She also fails to grasp that he’s actually 107 not 17, of course he’s more mature than an actual 17 year old! Because seriously it’s not lame, what do you want him to say, see ya later hope you don’t die?? ? Oh and get this, she thinks the acting and writing is bad! Come of it, as soon as she writes a worldwide best seller then ill discuss bad or good writing with her! Here allow me to bring this up again, 1800’s and a HOTDOG!! Ok people BAD WRITING; do we understand each other, HOTDOGS WERENT AROUND IN THE 18 BLOODY HUNDREDS, OK? THE GODFATHER SUCKS! Alright, now that I got that out of my system… I think that almost everyone in twilight is a good actor/actress, I mean, if they weren’t; they wouldn’t be on the big screen would they. Oh, now she’s going on about how bad the music is, GET OVER IT. It’s so annoying that she didn’t even give it a chance, before she even watched it she was going on about how gay it was. Oh, she just said “why don’t you fork off” get it?” Hilarious isn’t it… She makes fun of the way Bella’s face looks when Edward is drinking her blood, ok think about it forTwilight Verses The Godfather?
Godfather, less pretentiousnessTwilight Verses The Godfather?

That doesn't sound like the same Godfather I starts with a wedding. But, ok...

I loved Twilight and Jasper/Alice aren't really sister/brother obviously you know it's fine. No incest there.

Twilight gets my vote.
Twilight gets my vote by a long shot.
Taste in art (and I view SOME movies as art) is subjective. You get to like what you like and your friend gets to like what she likes. That's it. ::shrug:: For instance, I cannot believe you would mention The Godfather and Twilight in the same sentence. One has some the best actors the US has to offer and the other is a trite piece of fluff. I'll let you guess which one I think is which. Btw, I've read the books and seen both movies.

As for all people with talent being on the big screen: I have to disagree with you. There are hundreds of horrid movies that get made with actors that truly s-u-c-k.
Twilight, the godfather is boring as. The best thing about the godfather is its funny and im pretty sure that wasnt the desired affect.

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