Thursday, October 28, 2010

Am i the only one who thinks robert pattinson... ?

will be good as Edward?

i know he's not PERFECT, but seeing as there aren't any gorgeous vampire actors available, he's pretty close.. plus, everyone has a different opinion of edward and they all visualize him differently when they read the book, so it was very hard to settle on anyone that most people would like.

i think anyone who disagrees with me should be less shallow and enjoy the books and movies for their great plot, and not the how attractive edward is.

Am i the only one who thinks robert pattinson... ?
I think the guy was really good in Harry Potter, and they had to pick SOMEBODY.

Seeing as how a guy that looks like the description (from what im told) doesnt exist, they picked the closest guy they could find who was good-looking and a good actor and the similar age.Am i the only one who thinks robert pattinson... ?
i guess hes pretty close. im soo excited for the movie! i pictured edward with less sideburns and red lips, and smaller eyebrows. and less squinty. haha

he is gorgeous.

i think he will be a great vampire!

i read the book and i am dying to see the movie.

Yeah. I agree. They made a good choice for Robert Pattinson to play Edward Cullen. He looks a tad different then how described, but it's hard to find an exact look alike of the character to be portrayed, so he's good. Besides, Robert is gorgeous. :D He makes a dreamy vampire.
I think he's a perfect Edward Cullen. I mean, there's no one gorgeous like Edward Cullen. But he IS close. I'm glad that it's Robert Pattinson. I never for one minute thought he shouldn't be Edward.
i think hes extremely close to what stephanie meyer tried to make edward seem to be

but of coarse, no one can be as gorgeous as edward cullen

but robert pattinson is cute too [=

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