Thursday, October 28, 2010

Robert Pattinson's (Edward in Twilight) voice in teaser trailer??

Is it just me or does his voice remind u of Nicholas Cage?? That was bothering me all day; ever since is saw the trailer this finally. Also are u other Twilight fans out there happy with Robert playing the gorgeous Edward...and if not who would u pick?? Personally, I think that they could have picked someone hotter but I like how he acts in the trailer!!! Oh well...give a lil, lose a lil. Oh and what r u guys doin to pass the time till the movie and 4th book?? Please don't say read Meyer's other book...cuzz im about to get it soon...

Thnkx from a Twilight lover XD!! (%26amp; read all 3)Robert Pattinson's (Edward in Twilight) voice in teaser trailer??
you know what. at first i didnt like rob as edward cullen. but as the time is passing i grow on him. he is really hot. i know everyone thinks that they should have chosen someone hotter but really there is no one hotter than rob. no one can be the perfect edward because everyone imagined him differently. i know i didnt imagine edward like rob but now i think he's a great choice and so is Kristin Stewart. i really don't like it when people say that rob is a bad edward. he can really act and he is hot. he's not cute but hot. thats how edward is. if edward was cute he'd look just like mike newton.

for ur second question. i go on this website. click on chatroom in the side bar. it is like aim. u get to discuss topics about twilight with your fellow twihards.

i hoped i could help you.Robert Pattinson's (Edward in Twilight) voice in teaser trailer??
umm idk--i didn't really notice much...

im not that happy--haha i think edward is too hott to be portrayed but if i had to choose edward it would be like gaspard ulliel--!!
I really do love these books lol. But robert pattinson is just not edward. there is noone just like edward but they could have gotten closer. im not saying hes not a good actor, just not edward.
He is just not Edward Cullen. Edward Cullen is the most gorgeous person in the world. lol (except the Jobros.) and Robert doesn't even come close. And the movie doesn't really look like it's gonna be like the book.
I think Robert Pattinson will be good at bringing the character to life. He is tall and lanky (like described in the book), and has the coolest hair. To be honest, the way that Edward is depicted in the book, no one in reality could come close to how handsome Edward really is!

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