Thursday, October 28, 2010

Robert Pattinson, crush?

Even though they are nice to have once in awhile, it really hurts when it's someone you know you can't have, like a celebrity. (Robert Pattinson)

How can I get over this? I'm not obsessed, but I think I have a lot in common with him. I just want to meet a guy like him and there aren't any artsy types where I live.

It kinda hurts.. ;[Robert Pattinson, crush?
OMMMMMMMG he's sooo hot, like omg i want to just jump into that twilight movie and like make out with him... lmao now who's obsessed! I have like posters of him in my room... anyways he's like perfect, could actor, what's to be a director, well educated, a musician, like can a guy get any better?

blaahh but i dont' like acting like this, it makes my sound like a crazy teenage girl. :P Robert Pattinson, crush?
I have the same in love with Robert Pattinson too :)

But seriously, you have to remember that even though he plays Edward Cullen, he's probably nothing like him at all..he's just an actor who got paid to pretend to be Edward...:)
Aw, honey, I'm sorry.

I actually kinda have felt that way before... like you are so bummed that you will never be with someone that it actually makes your stomach hurt?

I think the only way to get over it is time. It will fade! It's just a celebrity crush. Besides, you will find a guy that will make you forget about the lovely Robert Pattinson :)

I know how you feel =( RPattz is soo hott. Sadly, celeb crushes are insanely hard to get over, since they can't break your heart or do anything to you that will cause you to dislike them. And about non-artsy people that live near you, move to Forks.

That's the best I got
I totally feel the same EXACT way!! However I am obsessed! lol. When I see him I get the chills,knowing that I can't have him makes me,I get nauseous.I don't like him because he is Edward I love him FOR HIM! I feel like we are soul mates(this sounds so lame,but it is true)! I have more then a crush on this guy,I think it is a LOVE? I get jealous of Kristin Stewart..I can't help it. I am also in love with the Twilight series,I tell my friends that I am going to bring a paper bag(to get through seeing his face) and they think I am joking! I wish I was defiantly hurts! I totally agree! He is the hottest,cutest,sweetest,sexiest,most amazing guy on this earth..I get through it day by try,at least.

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