So, I had one of those awesome dreams where everything feels so real. It was in color (as are all of my dreams) and I could vividly remember what I was thinking in certain parts of the dream. Anyway...
I was in a strange neighborhood that was unfamiliar, but it looked extremely exclusive and rich. My family was planning on moving there (I'm 15). The house had a waterfall and was made of stone, it was a mansion. I was driving past it with some people I didn't know to a different, smaller house. I don't remember much, but I do remember hooking up at this house with my dream guy (I don't know him in real life, but more like how I envision my perfect boyfriend). We went all the way, and I could feel every single touch and feeling in the dream. I remember vivid details; I woke up feeling different. Anyway, once we were finished, he jokingly poured fake blood on the couch (the owner of the house was an elder woman who was strict about cleanliness) and I had to scrub it up, but he was joking with me and making me laugh. The woman who owned the house came to pick us and some other girls my age up. I was the last to get dressed, and she was a nice, though strict woman. I was in my school uniform (none of the kids I was with go to my school in real life) with the other kids, and we went to what looked like a ballroom in a hotel, but there was barely anyone there. The girls were rich, and called me 10 cents and made fun of me while the boy I had been with was working. He occasionally looked over and smiled at me, but said nothing in front of his friends. I'm remember going to a girl in the room who I did like who was my friend in real life and complaining, and admitting my love for the unattainable, most handsome guy in the town. Then I found out that he was with the meanest of the girls named Mimi, and that they were a thing. I instantly stood up, and began to walk from the room, and I was aware that the guy was following me. He followed me through three rooms with other people in them, but he was always at least 20 feet behind me. We were both walking at a normal pace. I reached outside the hotel/ballroom, and made my way down to the middle of the stairs and sat down. It was night, and I stared at the only window in the huge building that was lit up (every other window was dark, except the one window on the top floor, at the end), while looking at the guy out of the corner of my eye as he chatted conversationally with some older men. I looked away, and then looked back at the window, and the light was out. Then, the dream started to fade, as did their voices, and he started to descend the stairs toward me...and I woke up.
For some general facts, I just dumped my boyfriend of 6 months because of lost feelings on my part yesterday, and I had the dream last night. And the man in the dream closely resembled Robert Pattinson, for some reason. Thanks for your help!Amazing dream, can someone interpret?
haha sounds like a pretty good dream! haha iv had those kind of dreams where it feels like your there and its really happening...not all the time but rarely so i know what you mean...any way i can really never tell what my dreams are about or telling me, usually they are just random like with yours and that whole fake blood thing...haha that was really random...but the strong feelings that you felt could be from the strong feelings that you have towards something maybe it represents something? i dont really know you so i cant say what but yeah, that's my guess....and the thing with the window(which to me sounded pretty awesome!)...that could really be interpreted as lots of things..the light being turned off when you looked back could be like the end of something or feelings changing.....idk :/ im not very good at this kind of stuff, i don't even understand my own dreams haha ... sorry i couldn't be more help! it really seemed like a cool dream :)
p.s like what that other answer above said it could reprsent you and your boyfriend and how things were good in the beginning you lost a little intrest and got more when you looked at the light and it was on then at him and back at the light and it was your moving on almost and its a close to that relationship.... just another way to look at it :)Amazing dream, can someone interpret?
wow. O__________________________________O
no way im reading all of that... but good luck understanding ur dream
*thumbs up*
too much??
Hey! Ok so the guy in the dream just resembles exactly what you called him ';a dream guy'; who knows how to be intimate with you, so that wasn't abnormal. Your dream to me, seems to just express what you went through in losing feelings for your boyfriend (in the dream you had this connection and intimacy with that guy but then by the end of the dream you both were distant and you found out he was being dishonest. This may just seem to resemble your current situation, I think you made the right decision, but maybe your dream is a way to let you know that the breakup still doesn't seem easy on you but you can't give up hope and deep inside you know you are worth better.
your gonna a maid for some rich person that looks like Robert Pattinson. Sorry :(
Well, maybe you are being criticized for dumping your boyfriend. Your friends might disapprove of what you did and could turn into your enemies down the road if you don't change something. Whatever you do, try to keep your relationships with everybody out of the dark, for everyone to know, just don't flaunt the relationships to anyone. Don't hide your feelings. If you lost interest with the guy, try to figure out why and see if re-examining your position might make you reconsider your relationship with that guy, ';Robert';.
Okay so this is what I got
To see a hotel in your dream, signifies a new state of mind or a shift in personal identity. You are undergoing some sort of transition and need to move away from your old habits and old way of thinking. You need to temporarily escape from your daily life.Alternatively, the dream may imply a loss in your personal identity.
To see a mansion in your dream, symbolizes your greatest potential and growth. You may feel that your current situation or relationship is in a rut.
Vampire(For Robert Pattinson x) )
To see a vampire in your dream, symbolizes seduction and sensuality, as well as fear and death. The vampire represents contrasting images of civilized nobility and aggression/ferocity. It may depict someone in your waking life whose charm may ultimately prove harmful. Deep down inside you know that this person is bad for you, yet you are still drawn to it. Vampires also sometimes relate to decisions about sex and losing your virginity. Alternatively, to see a vampire suggests that you are feeling physically or emotionally drained. The vampire may also be symbolic for someone who is addicted to drugs or someone in an obsessive relationship.
To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments. If you see the word ';blood'; written in your dream, then it may refer to some situation in your life that is permanent and cannot be changed. If something else is written in blood, then it represents the energy you have put into a project. You have invested so much effort into something that you are not willing to give it up.
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