Sunday, November 21, 2010

Need help on my review?

can someone read this review about new moon (the book),and tell me how i can improve this. can you also help me out on building up a few scentences.p.s havent finished yet but could do with some help!


Stephanie Meyer’s first novel, Twilight is about Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) offers readers an exciting new entry on the field of Vampire fiction. With New Moon the second of the popular dark romance Twilight series, captures enough action romance and intrigue to keep your eyes glued to the pages. The story opens with the Cullen’s throwing Bella a birthday party. Bella gets a paper cut and nearly get herself killed. Edward grows increasingly distant with Bella. Finally, he drops a bombshell…embracing his vampire characteristics and no longer as he tells her “…pretending to be something I’m not.”

Disappearing suddenly into a dark and moonless wood leaving Bella utterly alone and disappointed.

The plot thickens even further when it is revealed that Victoria has came bake to folks to hunt for Bella. Victoria was part of James coven that was later killed by the Cullen’s, after hunting for Bella in twilight. Although the middle section is a little slow, the book still manages to hook its readers and rewards them when the adventure begins to pick up half way through .even though it was mysterious some of the plop points are unpredictable.Need help on my review?
I added details to your book review, and reworded some things. When you write, you need to get more than just the facts. My ending is a bit rough though. I want you to tweek it with a quote-or better: a way to describe New Moon overall. BTW: I LOVE NEW MOON!!! i read the book it was so good

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer is the second of the popular dark romance series, that captures a variety of suspense adventure and romance. It will intrigue you to keep your eyes glued to the pages. New Moon offers readers on exciting new entry on the field of Vampire fiction. The story opens with all of the Cullen’s throwing Bella a birthday party. At first everyone is enjoying the party, but then Bella gets a paper cut getting herself nearly killed. Edward, the love of her life rescues her. Since Edward is the cause of these types of catastrophes, he knew he must leave her. Edward felt as if he was the threat in her life that got her into so much danger, and followed her like a shadow. In a world of vampires, blood and mysterious murders, he knew this was the right thing to do. So he left her utterly alone in the woods, dark and moonless. Edward left Bella, with an echo of pain and agony twisting inside of her. As Edward escaped Bella’s life, Jacob Black approached her life. The plot thickens even further when it is revealed that Victoria has came back to murder Bella. She did it to avenge Edward, because if he didn’t have her he had nothing. Edward had killed Victoria’s boyfriend because he tried to murder Bella. The book continues with endless romance, suspense and even jealousy.

Stephenie Meyer has a unique writing style. Unlike most authors she goes beyond spilling the characters thoughts on paper. Her descriptions are as vivid an artist’s painting. She describes emotions, thoughts, surroundings and concepts. These things are the colors that add depth into her writing and the picture she is trying to paint. “I felt like I was trapped in one of those terrifying nightmares, the one where you have to run, run till your lungs burst, but you can’t make your body move fast enough”. This is an example of her description. I also like the way she described the relationship between Jacob and Edward. To Bella, Edward was air to breathe or a drug. Jacob, was a sun spreading warmth, light and happiness. New Moon will leave you astonished. It unwinds your imagination and is beyond our world today, as fantasy and romance collide.

There are some more book reviews on:…

and some New Moon quotes on:…Need help on my review?
i think you should put in a bit about jacob black and the quilutian legends

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