I think Robert Pattinson didn't do a good job at portraying the quality of Edward. Super calm and sleek? Not Robert.
Kristen Stewert - She did a pretty good job at portraying Bella, not as clumsy Bella is, but that's the screen writers and directors faults.
Charlie was awesome - captured the awkwardness of Charlie to perfection. Hilarious and very fatherly. I didn't picture the mustache though.
Alice was so-so. Not ';cheery'; enough, and I pictured her to be very small and a little shorter, but the person they picked was alright.
Jasper - NO! lol he looked like a freak, not like a vampire at all! He was just not a good choice.
Rosalie - the ';most beautiful person'; Bella or anyone has ever seen...the person playing her looks pretty ok with darker hair, but once she went blonde and bleached her skin, she looked blah. They could have done better.
Emmett - Kellan did awesome. He captured the calm, easy go lucky Emmett perfectly. He is soo hott too!
Carlisle and Esme - ehh, they should have been younger but oh well, they did okay with them. Not what I envisioned, but still an okay choice.
Laurent, James, and Victoria - All had their flaws, but all in all an okay choice.
Mike, Eric, Jessica, and Angela - So not what I imagined, but I still liked them after I got over the fact that they were so different then what I pictured.
Jacob - I know in the book he was supposed to have long hair, but he looks so much better WITHOUT the long hair!! I know he was a good pick, but I still wish they would have changed that from the book =)
The rest of the ';werewolf'; clan and Billy - Billy was alright, and I have the same comments for the werewolf clan as I do for jacob. I dislike the long hair..maybe put it in the end of the second movie? To show how much they are changing? idk.
SOOOOOOO what do you agree or disagree with on this list?What's your opinion of the twilight cast?
Alright so...
Edward- Robert Pattison was okay, his accent got better during the movie, in the beginning it was so weird, and awkward, but it got better. As for the whole sunlight scene, it was ok, a little different then what I imagined, but of course it was going to be that way. His mood swings were pretty good, but seemed to be at the wrong time.
Bella- I heard of a lot of people say they didn't like Kristen Stewart, and honestly, I thought she was pretty good. This klutziness wasn't all there, but she did pretty good at portraying Bella.
Charlie- His one liners were hilarious, especially with the gun/meeting Edward scene, the whole 'I've heard that before', the pepper spray with Edward, it was way too perfect.
Alice- she wasn't so dominant in this movie as in the book, but she was chipper and looked exactly the part, she did alright, she just didn't seem to have many lines, like the other Cullens.
Jasper- He had like what... one line, ';Hi, I'm Japser'; or something like that. But he did pretty good acting the part, and looking the part.
Rosalie- she looked the part, sounded the part, and was very similar ro the Rosalie I imagined. Especially the whole 'breaking the salad dish' part, hilarious.
Emmett- He was so much like Emmett, I can't imagine anyone doing it better. His one liners and motions, wow... especially the Italian food part, my gosh, I laughed so hard!
Carlisle and Esme- Esme only spoke like what twice, and she was pretty good, and Carlisle... was breath-taking and awesome.
Laurent, James, and Victoria- pretty good for being bad vampires, I'd give them two thumbs up.
Mike, Eric, Jessica, and Angela- they seemed a little different, but they were portraying high schoolers, what do you expect? They were pretty good though.
Jacob- he had a whole... 5 lines? The wig was not my favorite, but that's just because I'm so used to seeing Taylor Lautner without it.
Billy- he was a pretty good character, strict with his words, funny, and very fatherly like in his tribe leader way.
What's your opinion of the twilight cast?
Edward-i agree he was kinda akward, but i liked that about him, i thought he was cast good
Kristen-i think she was cast well, maybe a bit too pretty for bella though lol
Charlie-eh he was ok, i amagined him messy and blond with longer hair though i dunno
Alice- I thought he was perfect :)
Jasper-I thought he was great, and insanely HOT
Rosalie-I agree with you there
Emmett- I think he was ugly and not vampireish at all
Carlisle and Esme-Carlisle was good, Esme didnt look like I had imagined
Laurent, James, and Victoria-They were alright
Mike, Eric, Jessica, and Angela-they were alright..eh
Jacob -ugg i hated him, his hair was ok
yeah i agree with you
i was somewhat disappointed with the movie. as you said edward wasnt super calm and sleek. there were some parts in the movie that i was wondering if the director had even read the book. overall it wasnt terrible but it could have been better.
I love all of them exept bella. i dont know why i dont like kristen
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