Friday, November 12, 2010

Robert Pattinson Interview......Your Opinion?

This is what he said about twilight:

';When I was reading them I didn't know how to read it from a teenage girl- or really any kind of woman's perspective, I guess. I don't know why they like it. What I thought was weird about it was when I read it, it seemed like... I was convinced that Stephenie was convinced that she was Bella and that it was like a book that wasn't supposed to be published. And you're reading, like, her sort of sexual fantasy about some... especially when she says it was based on a dream and it's like 'Oh, I've met this--I've this dream about this sexy guy!' and she just writes this book about it. And some things about Edward are so specific, I was just convinced... like 'This woman is mad. She's completely mad and she's in love with her own fictional creation...' And sometimes you feel uncomfortable reading this... And I think a lot of people feel that in the same way it's kind of voyeuristic and it creates this kind of sick pleasure.';

Does anyone else agree to this?

I completely do, its kind of creepy reading the novels with this in my head, what about you?Robert Pattinson Interview......Your Opinion?
I most certainly agree. It makes sense when you get to the repetitive, rambling parts that are kind of boring. She si not the best writer. She had a good story line but often did not know where to take it. it was kind of (in parts) soft, lusty, kiddie porn.

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